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Our Publications


We’re here to tell the University of Utah’s story, recognize the achievements of our campus community, to advise and help communicate the U’s position on issues impacting the institution and our community, and to show what it’s like to study or work on our campus. Whether it’s through internal or external communications channels, we take information about the U and turn it into engaging content tailored to target audiences.

The U’s voice on news, events
& vital campus-wide information

Executive Communications

UMC provides communications support for the U’s president and other senior leaders ranging from speech writing to social media management to campus-wide messaging.

Strategic Communications Planning

Our team of experts can help you develop a comprehensive communication plan that aligns with the university’s overall strategy.

Freelance Services

Need a freelance writer, photographer or illustrator? We can help hook you up with some great talent.

Paid & Sponsored Content Strategies

Our experts can advise you on tactics for paid or sponsored content strategies to help you spread the word to your specialized audiences.

University of Utah Magazine

UMC houses the U’s award-winning publication, Utah Magazine, which comes out 3 times a year (online and in print) and is sent to all U alumni and friends.

Podcast & Multi-Media Strategy

Whether it’s a video, infographic, or podcast, our staff can advise you on best practices and connect you with peers on campus excelling in specific areas.

Community & Campus Forums

UMC staff will help you make cross-campus connections and provide support for campus forums and community meetings in line with the U’s strategic goals.

Issues Management

Whether it’s a controversy about free speech or a safety threat—UMC’s team is ready to advise. Check out our crisis communications briefing plan here.

Media and Presentation Training

UMC professionals can help you hone your messaging and interview skills for professional presentations and media interactions.

Op eds, editorials & advocacy

Our team of strategic writers and editors can help you shape and deliver your message—whether for the general public, a legislative body or a media outlet.

Emergency News & Alerts

UMC coordinates with U Safety, Facilities, Housing and Residential Education and others to alert campus to accidents, natural disasters and imminent crime threats on campus.

Press Conferences & Media Events

Our staff provides logistics support and equipment for press conferences, ribbon cuttings and groundbreakings in line with the university’s strategic goals.

Social Media Campaigns

UMC cultivates the campus conversation and provides exclusive content via social platforms. Our team can help you create and launch your own campaign or amplify your messaging through our central channels.

Working with and Pitching to Media

Our team of PR experts and former journalists strategically pitch stories to a tailored media list. We also respond to media requests with in-person and on-camera interviews, as well as written statements.

@theU News

Updated daily, @theU is the U’s news hub that showcases the latest research, events, initiatives and more. Watch your inbox for Monday morning highlights.

News, stories & events
happening at the U


Building a stronger
relationship with our clients

Alicia Baker
Presidential Intern
Amy Choate
Associate Director of Content Creation
Andrea Thomas
Chief Experience Officer
Brian Maffly
Research & Science Writer
Chris Nelson
Chief University Relations Officer & Secretary to the University
Clare Duignan
Editorial Specialist
Heather King
Associate Director of Public Relations & Communications
Jasen Lee
Public Relations & Communications Manager
Libby Mitchell
Managing Editor for @theU
Lisa Anderson
Associate Editor, University of Utah Magazine
Lisa Potter
Research & Science Writer
Mattie Mortensen
Communications Specialist
Melody Murdock
Director of Content & Editorial Strategy
Rebecca Walsh
Director of Communications
Rob Patton
Executive Communications Manager
Seth Bracken
Managing Editor-in-Chief, University of Utah Magazine