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News Clips | September 21, 2021

This Prosthetic Bionic Arm Can Help Amputees 'Feel' Touch, Movement: Here's How It Works

Prosthetic limbs have come a really long way from being peg legs, hooks, and whatnot.

Utah art museum invites community artists to bring their work indoors in new exhibit

The Utah Museum of Fine Arts has invited the Roots Art Kollective to design a museum-based mural exhibition.

Is There Really A 'Utah Way' Of Doing Politics? Well, It’s Complicated

Utah politicians like to talk about something called the “Utah way." It’s the idea that things work a little differently here.

September’s climate change conversation

The Biden administration is moving to protect workers and communities from extreme heat after a dangerously hot summer.

What are the biggest issues teachers face today?

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a lot of anxiety for teaches everywhere.

The lessons in the stride

My perfect morning goes like this: I’m awake at least two hours before any commitment, class or meeting.

Roundup girl finds freedom with all terrain wheelchair

On the rugged roads of Montana, just outside of Roundup, there’s an 8-year-old girl with quite a sense of humor.

Pfizer's successful vaccine trial in children good news for slowing COVID-19 surge, Utah doctor says

Dr. Andrew Pavia, infectious disease physician at University of Utah Health, noted the increasing transmission rate is largely being driven by the return to schools in person.

I Got a ‘Mild’ Breakthrough Case. Here’s What I Wish I’d Known.

The test results that hot day in early August shouldn’t have surprised me—all the symptoms were there.

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