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News Clips | October 7, 2021

Can complicated land trade fix Red Butte Garden’s fence snafu?

Saving a historic stone structure from vandalism created an ownership nightmare.

The end of an early childhood education program at the University of Utah highlights larger problems

When Clayton Norlen and his spouse, Aenon Johnson, started thinking about having children, one of their main priorities was finding child care that was just the right fit.

Out in the Bay: 'Gender is queer for everyone,' says Utah prof

According to author and academic Kathryn Bond Stockton, "gender is queer for everyone."

AMA recognizes health systems that care for the caregivers

The American Medical Association recognized 44 health care organizations as recipients of the 2021 Joy in Medicin Health System Recognition Program.

The easiest cure for political distrust

Americans who perceive anti-democratic–even dangerous–behavior in the opposing party may not really “see one another.”

Federal Action Needed to Address Antibiotic Resistance in Older Americans

New research shows significant mortality, health care costs in this at-risk population.

Now-Extinct Giant South American Sloth Likely Devoured Meat With Its Vegetables

A new study suggests that Darwin’s ground sloth, which lived in South America until about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago, was not a strict vegetarian, as long assumed.

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