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News Clips | October 26, 2022

Utah’s governor wants a tuition freeze. Is that the best way to curb college costs?

Utah governor opposes President Joe Biden’s initiative to forgive federal student loans.

Can a tax code amendment help Utahns conserve water?

As ongoing drought conditions continue to pummel the West, a Utah water conservation advocacy group believes a tweak in the state's tax code can be a major driver toward water consumption reduction goals.

Evidence Found for Familial Aggregation of Stillbirth

First-, second-, and third-degree relatives of affected parents had higher odds of stillbirth than those of unaffected parents.

Utah law prof. helps win precedent winning restitution case for sex trafficking victims

A ruling was made on Tuesday that could benefit victims of sex trafficking all over the country. A federal judge ruled a trafficker must pay restitution to their victim, if certain conditions are met.

How to request an absentee ballot to vote in the midterms

The midterms are coming up on Nov. 8. Here’s how to receive an absentee ballot.

6 design additions home experts suggest considering for your new build

With building trends continually evolving, the most exciting time to build a new home is decidedly now. New University of Utah data shows that the state of Utah issued more than 1,000 new building permits for single-family homes in June of 2022.

Salt Lake County Health Department launches new air quality map as Utah enters inversion season

As winter rolls around, so does inversion season, which usually happens between December to February. Inversion brings bad news: Pollutants from burning fuels become trapped near the ground, leading to poor air quality.

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