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News Clips | October 23-25, 2021

Lauren McCluskey Foundation teams up with University of Utah to address dating violence on college campuses

On the third anniversary of their daughter’s death, Jill and Matt McCluskey walked on the track where their daughter once trained and competed.

Utah colleges see enrollment growth despite pandemic

Amid the reopening of in-person school attendance, Utah colleges and universities have seen enrollment growth compared to 2020.

Futuristic exoskeleton could help amputees

The exoskeleton from the University of Utah attaches at the waist and thigh to help people with lower-leg amputations walk more easily.

U of U to use Bear River Massacre as a model for teachers to instruct encounters with indigenous people

The University of Utah is seeking experts on the Bear River Massacre to teach at the Rocky Mountain American Religion Seminar to be held in person on January 15, 2022, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.

Scientists used a tiny brain implant to help a blind teacher see letters again

A former science teacher who's been blind for 16 years became able to see letters, discern objects' edges—and even play a Maggie Simpson video game—thanks to a visual prosthesis.

Claims of Utah group’s involvement in child exploitation investigations under scrutiny

It’s been a year since news broke that Operation Underground Railroad, a Utah based anti-trafficking nonprofit that has gained international prominence, was under investigation by the Davis County Attorney’s office.

How will communities of interest factor into Utah's redistricting this year?

When the results of the 2020 Census were finally revealed, the data showed Utah is the fastest-growing state in the nation, with over half of its population growth being driven by minority populations.

Inside the lawsuit that ended US gene patenting

How a win in the Supreme Court challenged a linchpin of the genetic-testing industry.

Utah doctors using artificial intelligence to identify rare genetic diseases in babies

While many babies are born without issues on a daily basis, there are quite a few who are born early and with some complications.

Front-line fatigue: Pharmacists hit with overwhelming workload, shortages and sometimes an angry public

Sometimes Melissa Peng wishes there could be an observation area in the intensive care unit so people could see what it's like to treat COVID-19 patients again and again and again while their patients' families often break down.

Shortage of walkers, crutches impacting Utah: Here’s how to help

Shortages on various supplies have been reported in recent weeks–everything from food to chips for cars to toys to alcohol.

Experts see no slowdown in Utah’s real estate market

Utah ranks among the most populous states in the West and has seen record-breaking increases in housing prices.

DeepBio, ARUP to assess prostate cancer diagnosis SW in real-world workflow

DeepBio has obtained approval from the ethics committee of the University of Utah to conduct a real-world study to validate the performance of its AI-based prostate cancer diagnosis software with ARUP Laboratories.

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