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News Clips | October 20, 2021

Conservatives Are Happier Than Liberals. Discuss.

Do liberals or conservatives experience higher levels of satisfaction, happiness or meaning in life?

Conservative politicians: Let natural immunity ring. Doctors: Get the COVID-19 vaccine

Utah Rep. Chris Stewart co-sponsors Natural Immunity is Real Act.

Why Utah aims to be the 'hydrogen hub for the crossroads of the West'

As a trailer holding a hydrogen-power generator remained open parked next to the steps of the Utah Capitol, an attendee of a Utah event highlighting the future of the alternative fuel sources peered in to see how it worked.

‘It’s scary’: The West’s housing crunch has southwest Colorado at crisis point

Think it’s bad in Utah and Idaho, two Western states that saw the highest price increases for homes in the nation this year?

New water year starting strong from unusually wet October in Utah

Rain and snow are making this month one of the wettest Octobers on record, with precipitation above average for this time of year.

Could venom heal your injuries? Here’s what we know

Researchers are trying to find out if venom can heal injuries and become a new medicine.

Funny Money

Utah's Operation Underground Railroad donations look odd.

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