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News Clips | May 25, 2022

Mike Lee, Becky Edwards and Ally Isom to debate on June 1—but the Utah GOP will host the fray

Utah Rep. Blake Moore is the only Republican incumbent to commit to participating in a primary debate hosted by the Utah Debate Commission.

Spatial distribution of anti-Asian hate tweets during COVID-19

In January of 2020, SARS-CoV-2 reached the United States. With it came an even faster-spreading virus—xenophobic rhetoric referring to the pandemic's epicenter in Wuhan, China.

Light-sensing cells revived in donor eyes

Scientists have measured responses in the photoreceptor cells of eyes collected up to five hours after death.

Study Seeks UT Volunteers to Unravel Mysteries of 'Long COVID'

The National Institutes of Health has begun a nationwide research project to better understand how to prevent and treat what's become known as "long" COVID, as well as determine who's at risk.

Want to know what Utah’s ‘tree of the future’ is? You’re out of luck.

And if you want your trees to outlive you, there are a few factors to keep in mind.

In the search to solve Utah’s high housing costs, rent control is ‘not on the table’

Gov. Spencer Cox joined the national Bipartisan Policy Center Tuesday to discuss how Utah is approaching its housing affordability problem.

University of Utah Building Team Finds an Innovative Structural Solution for a Difficult Site

Perched on a delicate site and hemmed in on three sides, the University of Utah’s HELIX building has declared its independence.

Coral reefs may have key to cancer cure: Study

In a recent report, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) said the number of Indians suffering from cancer is expected to increase to 29.8 million in 2025.

Wildfire, Drought, and Insects: Climate Change Increases Risks of Tree Death

Planting a tree appears to be a generally positive thing to do for the environment. After all, trees take in carbon dioxide, offsetting some of the emissions that contribute to climate change.

Latest on Monkeypox: Genetic Clues and How It Might Be Spreading

Early evidence suggests that the virus hasn't changed to become more transmissible, though it may be spreading more often through sex than it has in the past.

The Daily Buzz: What a Utah infectious disease doctor has to say about monkeypox

A new virus may be in town. Although, the illness isn’t related to COVID-19 this time.

Chemists' HAT trick for greener chemical synthesis

Creating new chemical compounds, such as new drugs, is not as simple as assembling one of those models with colored balls and sticks you might have seen in a beginning chemistry class.

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