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News Clips | March 31, 2022

Navy medical team wraps up mission at University of Utah Hospital

University Hospital hosted a “clap out” ceremony Wednesday as a team of Navy medics left the hospital following a 30-day deployment.

Catalytic converter thefts extend to U of U campus

University of Utah Police arrested two suspects after the growing wave of catalytic converter thefts extended to the Salt Lake City campus.

Should full-day kindergarten be an option in Utah schools?

Starting the fall of 2018, Wasatch School District adopted a full-day kindergarten schedule, leaving open the option for half-day attendance.

A Purpose-Driven Life

Dr. Eboni M. Zamani-Gallaher is a renowned community college leadership scholar.

Altitude Lab announces first cohort of startups close over $50M in seed capital

Altitude Lab today announced its first cohort of startups raised $54M in seed funding while incubating at Altitude Lab.

Utah voters face new deadline to switch political parties before primary election

If you’re affiliated with a political party in Utah, and you want to switch parties in order to vote in the 2022 primary election, your deadline is Mar. 31.

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