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News Clips | March 3, 2022

How to talk to your kids about Russia’s attack on Ukraine

As Putin’s Russian forces attack Ukraine, American moms and dads ponder what to tell their children about the attack.

Members of the U.S. Navy are helping at overwhelmed Utah hospital

Members of the U.S. Navy are now at the University of Utah Hospital to help with over 500 surgeries deferred because of COVID-19 hospitalizations.

Utah researchers have linked hundreds of rapes to dating sites. A lawmaker is trying to make these apps safer.

Rep. Angela Romero’s bill would require apps to post safety notifications for users of the dating apps’ platforms.

Expert: Rural Adults Are ‘More Likely to Be Fatalistic About Cancer, More Likely to Be Overloaded by Cancer Information’

Jakob Jensen, PhD, professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Utah and member of the Huntsman Cancer Institute, discusses how the beliefs and perceptions of cancer among adults living in rural areas compared to those of adults living in urban areas.

Mindfulness Intervention Curbs Opioid Misuse, Chronic Pain

A psychotherapeutic intervention that unites mindfulness training, "third wave" cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and positive psychology significantly reduces chronic pain and opioid misuse, new research suggests.

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