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News Clips | June 7, 2022

As the Great Salt Lake Dries Up, Utah Faces ‘An Environmental Nuclear Bomb’

Climate change and rapid population growth are shrinking the lake, creating a bowl of toxic dust that could poison the air around Salt Lake City.

The fate of Old Faithful

One of America’s most iconic natural wonders may be running out of time.

Who Exactly Is Trapped in an “Echo Chamber”?

Complaining about bubbles isn’t about information—it’s about politics.

'An incredible resource': How a new website may influence Wasatch Mountain planning

Phoebe McNeilly opened the Central Wasatch Commission's new environment online dashboard Monday afternoon to play around with the site and show the commission's members exactly what they can see on the board.

Wildfires in US West Match Climate Projections ‘Eerily’ Well

As the worst fires on record burn in New Mexico, the extent of future damage depends greatly on human policies and decisions, an expert says.

'Leading the fight': Utahn joins student group at US Capitol to advocate for better gun safety laws

Politicians and students alike gathered at the U.S. Capitol on Monday to urge lawmakers to act on gun safety after a recent shooting at a Buffalo supermarket that left 10 dead and a shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, where 19 students and two teachers were killed.

The Fracturing Plan: Hit a Well 300 ft Away—How Hard Could That Be?

Hitting the next well during fracturing happens all the time. Predictably doing that on a large scale in granite looks a lot harder.

Wasatch Back Economic Summit releases key findings

The Park City Chamber of Commerce Convention and Visitors Bureau released key takeaways following its 2022 Wasatch Back Economic Summit.

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