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News Clips | June 16-20, 2023

Utah Juneteenth celebration hopes to 'build bridges that bring our community closer together'

The blue and red flag rose inch by inch over the Salt Lake City-County Building on Monday afternoon as individuals each took a turn hoisting the Juneteenth flag.

Indigenous Utahns relieved after Supreme Court upholds Indian Child Welfare Act

Dominique Talahaftewa, who is Hopi and Ute, was relieved to wake up and see the court's decision. She said she’s seen the negative impacts of not having adoption and foster care protections in place for Native children.

U of U professor explains racial struggle of prominent Black pioneer

Jane Elizabeth Manning James holds a special place in Utah’s Black history. There’s a newly built monument in her honor at This Is The Place Heritage Park in Salt Lake City. Visitors to the Salt Lake Cemetery can walk the grounds and view her grave.

Average autism diagnosis delayed by more than two years

The findings may explain why the average age at diagnosis has stalled at 4 years old since 2000, despite recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2007 to screen all children at 18 and 24 months old.

Utah Population Boom: Where are People Coming From and Going To?

A new report from the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute at the University of Utah shows that Utah's population growth is being driven by in-state and out-of-state migration.

Great Salt Lake’s dust melted Utah’s ‘greatest snow on earth’ more than two weeks early in 2022

The lake’s desiccation is having bigger impacts than scientists initially thought.

Universities Team Up With edx To Offer Micro BootCamps In Machine Learning And AI

The online program is designed to prepare technology professionals with core skills in the fields of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Governing State Governing Boards

Utah revamped its Board of Higher Education to emphasize more centralized oversight. Some other states are doing the same, leading some observers to wonder if the decisions are being driven by politics or efficiency.

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