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News Clips | June 10, 2022

Can mindfulness treat opioid misuse and chronic pain?

“Mindfulness is a mental training approach of focusing attention in the present moment, to become aware of thoughts, emotions, body sensations, perceptions, without holding on to experience, but just watching it. Like an observer, or a witness."

Coronavirus infection during pregnancy linked to brain development problems in babies

Babies whose mothers were infected with the coronavirus during pregnancy may face a higher risk of brain development disorders such as autism and bipolar disorder, a new study that examined more than 7,500 births suggests.

Neurodevelopmental Issues Double in Babies Exposed to COVID in Womb: Study

The babies of women infected with COVID-19 during pregnancy may have developmental difficulties during their first year, a new study suggests.

Police: Man arrested after stalking, harassing 2 women on University of Utah campus

University of Utah police arrested a 40-year-old man accused of stalking and harassing two women on campus Thursday.

Preventing Gun Violence on Campus

Alarmed by mass shootings in Uvalde and Buffalo, colleges are working to protect their campuses with threat assessment teams, active shooter drills and partnerships with law enforcement.

SLC housing push gives rise to a new fight: Can U. profs speak out?

Head of the east-side Yalecrest council files complaints about “insulting” tweets from university experts, who raise the cry of “cancel culture.”

How would GOP Senate candidates fare against Evan McMullin? New poll reveals answers

This month's Republican primary election will determine which of three candidates will face independent Evan McMullin in the race for U.S. Senate in November.

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