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News Clips | February 3, 2023

Climate change and a population boom could dry up the Great Salt Lake in 5 years

Trekking along the shoreline of the Great Salt Lake—the largest remaining saltwater lake in the western hemisphere—can feel eerie and lonely.

What the Family and Medical Leave Act has meant for U.S. women

On the 30th anniversary of the FMLA, experts reflect on what the Act has meant—and where it still falls short.

Utah's age discrimination agency rarely favors workers

A complaint made by a man about age discrimination to the Salt Lake School District may have led to his termination, so he tried to receive relief by suing for age discrimination and retaliation.

Will next Olympics in the U.S. be affected by the controversy over Russian athlete status?

Fallout, including possible boycotts, could hurt LA Olympics as well as Utah’s bid, expert says.

Your take on religious beliefs & remembering the four chaplains

What is your take on why religious beliefs are necessary? Or not?

Pakistani women faculty embark on US exchange visit

As many as 28 women faculty members from 16 Pakistani Higher Education Institutions departed for the US on an exchange visit under the USAID’s Higher Education System Strengthening Activity being implemented by the University of Utah.

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