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News Clips | August 4, 2022

McKinney fire has hit the stratosphere, spewing the 'fire-breathing dragon of clouds'

A deadly combination of intense heat, parched vegetation and dry conditions has turned the 55,000-acre McKinney fire in the Klamath National Forest into its own force of nature. The culprit: human-caused climate change.

What’s the point of Saudi Arabia’s giant sideways desert skyscraper? ‘A big, long symbol of power’

A linear city in the desert is a provocative vision of the city of the future—but it’s been tried before.

Strengthening Families: It’s Okay—and Recommended—to Ask for Parenting Help

It takes an entire community to help strengthen families and protect children from child abuse and neglect,” said Dr. Kristine Campbell, child abuse pediatrician for Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital and the University of Utah Health’s Center for Safe and Healthy Families.

Here’s what Games-watchers are saying about Utahns’ support for bringing the Olympics back

The new Deseret News and the University of Utah’s Hinckley Institute of Politics poll found 79% of Utahns approve of hosting another Winter Games and just 16% disapprove, and 5% don’t know.

Utah researchers find patients with specific cancer at higher risk for mental health issues

New research out of Huntsman Cancer Institute reveals that Hodgkin lymphoma patients and survivors are more likely to suffer from mental health and substance abuse disorders than the general population.

Judge Invites Supreme Court to Further Erode Miranda Warnings

Police officers are supposed to warn during an arrest that you have the right to remain silent. But what if that warning wasn’t given, and it’s not clear if you were actually in police custody when the questioning started?

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